
Chemical Peels

MedSpa & IV Therapy Center located in Fresno, CA

Chemical Peels services offered in Fresno, CA

Chemical peels offer a quick, viable way to achieve smoother, less-wrinkled skin that looks vibrant and fresh. At Refine Skin Medspa in Fresno, California, Neng Lee, MSN, FNP-C, and the team offer customized chemical peels to help you feel confident and beautiful in your skin. To learn more about chemical peels, call the office or schedule an appointment online today. 

Chemical Peels Q&A

What are chemical peels? 

A chemical peel is a skin resurfacing treatment that removes the top layers of skin with a chemical solution and reveals the fresh, younger-looking skin underneath. Chemical peels can treat skin imperfections and can be used on your face, as well as your hands, chest, or neck. 

There are three depths of chemical peels which include light, medium, or deep. The deeper the chemical peel, the longer it takes for your skin to heal and recover.

At Refine Skin Medspa, you might benefit from combining chemical peels with other skin care to achieve your skin care goals. 

Who can benefit from chemical peels?

Chemical peels improve the appearance of your skin, especially if you have specific skin concerns that you’d like to target. You may benefit a chemical peel if you have:

  • Sun-damaged skin
  • Hyperpigmentation or melasma 
  • Sagging skin
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Crow’s feet
  • Acne scars

The team at Refine Skin Medspa evaluates your complexion and helps you determine if a chemical peel is the right treatment for you.

What happens during a chemical peel?

When you come in for a chemical peel, your provider applies the type you choose to address your aesthetic concerns. You may experience some tingling and burning during the treatment, but the discomfort should be temporary.

You may notice the results after just one peel. However, depending on the chemical peel you choose and your skin concerns, you may need multiple peels. At Refine Skin Medspa, the team can help you develop a treatment plan with the right number of visits to give you optimal results. 

You’ll have a yellowish tinge on your skin for 2-3 hours following your peel. You may also have some mild redness, but this resolves in a short time. 

Be sure to follow your provider’s after-care instructions to support your skin’s healing following the chemical peel treatment. It’s also important to wear sunscreen for several weeks as your skin is more sensitive to the sun.

To find out how you can benefit from chemical peels, call Refine Skin Medspa or schedule an appointment online today.